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Latter-day Sense
From the Bible

Please be assured you have just entered a No Bashing Zone! Instead, our purpose is a pleasant, positive presentation of historic Biblical Christianity in areas of interest to those with specific alternative understandings. We invite you to browse the following brief and downloadable biblical responses to frequently asked questions. We encourage your comments or questions.

Are Living Apostles and Prophets Needed?

Are Temples for Today?

Can Men Become Gods?

Can the Dead Recieve the Gospel?

Does a Testimony Assure Discovery of the Truth?

Does God Give Everyone an Opportunity?

Does John 3 Teach that Baptism Is Essential to Salvation?

Does the Bible Teach Marriage for Eternity?

Does the Bible Teach Preexistence?

Does the Bible Teach Three Degrees of Glory?

Has God Preserved His Word?

Is Everyone a Child of God?

Is It Possible to Earn Eternal Life?

Is It Wrong to Criticize?

Is Repentance Essential to Salvation?

Is the Bible God's Only Book?

Jesus Christ, the Greatest Issue

Was the Fall a Blessing?

What Are the Marks of a True Prophet?

What Does the Bible Teach about Baptism for the Dead?

What Does the Bible Teach about Polygamy?

What Does the Bible Teach about Priesthood?

What Is a Christian?

What Is God Like?

What Is Necessary for Salvation?

What Is the Gospel?

What Is the Meaning of Ezekiel's Two Sticks?

What Is the Meaning of Faith Without Works Is Dead?

What Is the True Church?

For a deeper dive into six essential Bible teachings click here:

Helpful ministry resources are also available. Please contact us for access information.

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